
If he was half the comedian I thought he was, he should have responded with “well, there goes THAT surprise”, or something.

I bet everyone was pissed at this.

Wrong thread, and a terrible phone

I met a Sylvester about 20 years ago, and I said “like Matchuska?” and he looked at me like I had 3 heads. 

My favourite would have to be Monty Python with The Life of Brian. A runner up would be “Friends”, where Chandler’s co-workers think he’s gay, and he claims he can “Get a Brian”.

Oooooo-is this the movie about the harpy? The Sirin?

My Dad was many things-and wasn’t many more-but a sexual abuser he was not....if I thought for a second he was, I’d have reported him without hesitation.

The girlies Mike likes are....

So? Whatcha want?

He doesn’t go for that messin’ around

The bar has been set so incredibly, depressingly low....

Love this show.

Is that Adam Savage in the picture?

Prevericate, They Quote?

So, his disembodied head performing fellatio on the Puberty Demon WAS consensual!

Different type of Jeopardy than Matt was expecting, eh?

Damn, that was good.

I’d argue the opposite.

Goodbye, Matt Lauer, you worthless piece of shit.

Who gives a shit what Angela Lansbury thinks? She’s an old hag!