
Some people only think a few movies in history are worth a perfect score.

Ghost don't scare me because if they kill you, you can just become a ghost and have a ghost duel.
Alligators are my fave.
Need to do a remake of Alligator with a giant alligator attacking Chicago and Lake Michigan.

But the black lady somehow lived and she saved the day.

This thing has got a 97 on Metacritic and so far 20 perfect scores. It's in the running for best reviewed movie of the year.

It's got a squad of topless bisexual obese Japanese trans women in steam punk mech suits. It's not historically accurate but they own their sexuality and look fierce like Rihanna when they fire their mech lasers.

Didn't care too much for TDKR. Too much bad exposition in dialogue.

It's just a burrito usually stuffed with meat, lettuce, tomatoes covered in enchilada sauce, and topped with cheese and onions.

How do you feel about wet burritos? I love them.

He's had a good career in television but seems to be one of those actors that flopped as a movie star. Still got movie star good looks though.

I am optimistic that it might happen.
I am also optimistic we might get socialized medicine in the next decade.

Either the Republicans get rid of him before the midterms or he leaves after the Dems take back the House. Got to secured his legacy as worst president of all time somehow.

Hmmm. US has more prisoners per capita than Russia BUT Russia has a higher homicide rate and Russians have less guns so Russian prisoners are more psycho cuz they stab people.

His time is ticking tho. Got to get a move on.

Remember freedom fries?

So, it looks like the Republicans aren't going to be able to gut Medicaid, though they might try to appeal Obamacare and replace it with nothing, which seems ill-advised?
Any who, it also looks like Trump wants to start a war with Iran, so if we get past this healthcare BS, we're going to have to deal with more dire

Well that sucks for Hulu users.

Hulu has got the Criterion Collection. You can watch Cléo from 5 to 7 and the dirty movie In the Realm of the Senses.

"I am a former porn star. I say I am gay for pay, but that's a lie."

It's got 96 on Metacritic so far, so I think it's going to score higher than Baby Driver, The Big Sick, Get Out, Ghost Story, and Planet of the Apes. This year already has a ton of critically acclaimed films and it is not even Oscar season yet.

The title scroll will start
"In a galaxy far far away a long time ago there were space ships and Han Solo and Chewbacca but not Spock because that is a Star Trek and this is a Star Wars. Anyway, Emilia Clarke plays Princess Leila not Princess Leia. I know that seems confusing but you are dumb so who gives a flying