Binary Busting Boo Boo Kitty

lol. you're ridiculous. it's called a discussion forum thread. if you don't want people discussing things, get off the internet. only takes me a minute or two to type a response and I can do two or three things at a time. It's called multitasking, yo.

Oh, gurl get over yourself.

Points for the random Mom reference. This is why I love this site.

BTW. I'm allowed to have my flourishes of discourses like 'i can't even…' especially after seeing so many mindblowingly bizarre arguments out here. I have quite the vocabulary on top of some of my sophomoric exclamatory marks of frustration. So screw you, Bruce_from_that_fuckhole_state.

It's Cassandra redux x 1000.

This general comment thread is in the same vein. maybe the comment should've been clarified, but his opinion isn't out of the ordinary for here (at least evidenced by this thread).

And again, I wasn't directly talking about YOU there. But again, you're conflating personal attacks with general conceptual discussion, which seems to be your forte. Please learn the difference between the general you and the specific you. It's a very big part of reading comprehension in English.

ooh.I had missed that previous conversation. thank you for pointing that out to me. I liked the flashbacks and their strength but I can see how others didn't. They were a bit sporadic. But I can't agree with people who dismiss the notion of metaphorical and imaginary holocausts.

I totally agree with your idea that Leslie is a second wave feminist. That actually becomes a central and key issue of episode 9 and I wish that they named the issue rather than just talking about/around it. It's definitely the central intellectual conflict at play as well throughout much of the season. Naming it, I


exposes widespread domestic spying on society. check.
exposes widespread international spying on society. check.
exposes warantless searches and records keeping. check.

It's not an ad hominem attack. It's called internet lingo from the gay world and specifically Ru Paul's Drag Race: http://www.ontheissuesmagaz…

Also: I thought Syd put unreasonable expectations on Ali. You never seriously date someone who has had their first queer experience and/or is coming out as queer. Um, cos you're getting your real first taste of all that genitalia you've never heard and you really want to play the field for awhile (understandably so)

including the sad sigh and cry at the end? sexy.

33 is not an 'older' student'. plenty of graduate programs, especially in the social sciences, have students in their 30s.

By episode 9 I think her storyline really comes into focus. like most of this season, you have to just let the stories develop as they come and they all do eventually show their reason for being. really rewards the binge watcher over the metered watcher though.

isn't california a no fault state? so it doesn't matter what happened? I assume that's what no fault means, but I don't know for sure.

Noooooooo. I'm so glad she got rid of that creepy hipster curly hair-do she had last season and on Girls. I hated that hair with a passion, it just read:

I assumed she was living off of Alimony.

Oh, indeed she does.