How was your recovery? It notes “some discomfort” for a few days, what was that like for you?
How was your recovery? It notes “some discomfort” for a few days, what was that like for you?
As someone who has, over the course of their life, had widely varying body fat percentage, I can assure you... it plays a factor. I’m not saying it’s the only thing, but when my body fat percentage has been low, I get a lot colder a lot faster.
Well, since it’s June, I won’t be trying the thermostat trick just now, but I’ll try the cold water thing. I sweat like nobody’s business, even just walking down the street on a 60 degree day I can get a little moist. I’m not super overweight - 6-1, about 218 lbs. - I run on a regular basis, workout at the gym, etc.…
I have been reading about the phone calls that women have been making to the governor's office. They are hilarious.
So here is what I don't understand about the law. The product of an abortion, just like the blood and tissue from any other medical procedure, is a biohazard. Biohazards are properly disposed of by...wait for it...incineration. The cost of waste disposal is built into a procedure. Therefore, aborted fetuses are…
I feel for the little girl, pulled apart in all this mess.
Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.
We can’t be held responsible. We were merely freshmen.
Their newer stuff is soooo good, and everyone should listen to it.
it’s weird Al in a wig!
this made me chuckle and then I felt distressed
a lot of people don’t know this, but Hanson still tours and they’re actually really amazing live and their more current music is excellent. I’ve seen them about 8-9 times now and they are awesome, and they usually do this acoustic-y version of mmmbop with bongos and everyone goes crazy.
Two of my Nordstrom racks don’t even carry “extended size” bras. But today I was looking for shoes and happened upon a decent Chantelle for $30. I actually called my husband at work I was so excited
A Supreme Court justice, ideally, is not a Democrat or a Republican but rather someone who can impartially evaluate complicated legal issues irrespective of politics.
Lame Duck, Limp Dick... po-tay-to, po-tah-to.