
A lot of reviews were early release without going deep into the game like Ethos said. This review, like the lot of others, broadly skims over the game

Why are you reviewers reviewing? It's obvious you have no interest to comment on anything but how sucky it is, so stop lol. Once your assigned to a job you can't?

AOS is the only propriety right now taking place in real time.

Not from his point of view. His existence revolves around Iron Fist, a duty he was told to fulfil over and over until the thought of it became a habit.

Legion is nothing really outside its specific style. I can sit and watch the cast of AOS or JJ banter over a sports game but not Legion because it hasnt reached that level of character focus yet.

Finn needs good contrast to exchange off of.

One thing. Can we stop generalizing East Asia with all of Asia. I read so many arguments about whitewashing where people exclude Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Levant, Mesopotamia, Iran, Indonesia, Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, etc. ASIA IS BIGGER HAN CHINA, KOREA, TIBET, AND JAPAN FUCK TARDS. Yeah I'm going to

For his first time he did a great job. Better than the people here who don't live their computer chair. Of course we except better because this is for us.

He demands people to recognize his existence and they aren't, which of course leads to him repeating that plot until they do. This relates with the need for recognition. He's lost in a crowd, wanting the people he once knew to talk with him, listening to him, and take an interest in his thoughts. It frustrates Danny

Death Stroke was the only reason second season was worth watching. I gave up right after when suddenly everything became convoluted. I also skipped the most melodramatic of CW's typical teeny boppy episodes. MCU's netflix suffers from none of that drag, which is why I can stand them more.

Nerds Color started the campaign in 2014. Some people on Mary Sue claim they will stop watching media unless it has POC leads

The world building really brings Defenders together. Everyone at this point besides Danny knows each other and the events that transpired, including Gao and the Hand. It's natural. Plot occurred from DD like Black Skye that people complained about but forget it was always meant to gain an expansion even

I say the death was a surprise that organically came from plot. But yes eveerything after that was the exact opposite of his personhood. Dimand Back was standard comicbook villian 101. That's how they are written in comics. Loud, abonxious, and goofy. Of course people called him out on it, but still his plot went

Don't let reviews get to you. Or else you just spend the rest of your day on a chair typing away like a fat fuck. Don't give into the hive mind mentality

It's a heritage based on stereotypes like Naruto is to Ninjas…

Skin pigment and features doesn't leave an impact on us unless those attributes are discussed through the narrative. IF, live action or not, is not what LC is to Inner City African Americanism and JJ is to Victimization. Go watch ONB if you want social commentary.

World building secondary characters and action found in the latter half must be entertaining and interesting. IF leads towards something grandiose. Plot turning events DD briefly touched on didn't go anywhere much (hey, Matt's knowledge vs Danny's?), but IF?

I understand. Not all critics understand the way your art is, analyzing it with a specific lenses outside the context you intended for. It's not common to argue against a review, thinking you know more about the subject material in the way it was meant to be. I just did this with someone who called Kong garbage

I can't stand the exposition. It's getting in the way of character voice. Fuck it's not even hidden among their characterization. This is flat out authorial intrusion. The script writers are winking at me, hey did you understand the shiny looking sword is special. That stuff will get on my nerves fast. Gal's acting is