
Legion does not dive into relationships. Yes the concept exist. But it's not MASSIVE yet

Off topic.Scalped is being adapted into television. Yay another great potential like American Gods. The pilot script is finished and already reviewed

Through those choices we are forced to interrupt them for story. They must mean something given their emphasis. Or at least we think so

Noah doesn't really bring concepts of relationships outside of his minimalist meta narrative approach. Here and there characters verbally define that experience like a trope. It's not the same as showing it in further detail to the point where plots now center right on it, which is why I brought up Sense 8 and

Because Legion hasn't scratched the surface with my aforementioned my post. Ask Noah why can't Legion head in the mundane root. So far it's plain old body switching but done visually awesome. Sure a remark is mentioned here and there in regard to it, but that's not the same as a full on sub/main plot experience of

That would be more of a sense 8 thing or Magicians to exoplore the social relationship with body switching

Because the director likes music. As artist we implement what we enjoy the most. Then as audiences we over analyze them for whatever meaning.

"Reasons for being so swayed by Danny" - characters automatically giving into the protagonist's journey are based on basic pathological and behavioral needs or systems of ideas. Those two are the subtext. However, sometimes they sometimes get lost in the process, not given a reason as you typed for being there.

The WW trailers look boring as fuck. The actors lack the energy required to match the speculate. They're so dry being a mouthful of predictable exposition

Zack go make a video game. You can't direct a story for shit. He treats any character as an action figure. At least Michal Bay puts effort into emotional content behind his explosions

How it's portrayed in the X Men franchise is not the same as Dr. Strange. For the former, only psychic entities can visit it, specifically of mutant descent. Although Noah used the term in the screenplay, it does not match the rest of the Marvel universe's magical rules. They can access it because they were born with

Memories wouldn't be reliable if you surpassed them for whatever reason like David or if your dealing with fiction. Legion is not a deception of a real pyshcoichic breakdown where David slips. Memories not being reliable is a romicantized view point creative artist use for work like Legion. The point of

That would only be possible if it took place in the x man verse.

Because the plot here came to the surface even though it was still small. There was some physical action going somewhere

I just watched a science documentary saying memories are vital for human beings. They are reliable -_-

For as long as 30-something David Haller has been alive, he’s heard the voices in his head. Sometimes these voices tell him to do good things, but usually they tell him to do bad things. He’s fought these voices tooth and nail, but at a certain point, the battle was too intense for him to fight alone. We still don't

Fire of the Fist is a ambient magic then. He just said it flows through the cosmos, which means it's not from a specific dimension like DD. The Iron Fist are the chosen people who are granted its power. chosen only because literally someone chooses them lol

Stop bringing it up. no show has that budget

… Quake did double Hadoken. DOUBLE

Why does this show have so much exposition? Everyone literally states the obvious. Meanwhile, their actions are way too visceral. What's with the emphasis on "on the nose" dramatization? I don't get it. This wouldn't be acceptable for other shows