
I am glad Coulson didn't give into the Russian's shenanigans. He acknowledge how absurd the man was for acting upon and playing stereotypical the stereotypical supervillian. The MCU has reached the point where the comic book wackiness is now common ground without forcing that recognition because it's from character

He has the blue stone in his hand. So that's the time gem (Tessearact)

No. It's the begging of bridging Earth into the MCU. After this, countless life forms will learn of the heroes who saved the universe.

Thanos can survive Aether though It's full power wasn't unleashed on him. CH has only 2 Avenger movies left… so. But the Feige isn't a big fan of death. He would rather find the same emotional impact some other way

It's easy to essemble everyone if Thanos is a walking death star. The heroes already established they care about their homes. Protecting said setting means something to them, so they have the agency required to group up. But how when some are light years apart? How when some have attitudes they won't get

All Thanos has to do is validate Tony's anxiety and concern and justify our assumption of his power level and skills. Some characterization is icing on a cake. Idk if the Abstracts will be shown, so Death is up in the air.

But your average commentator gobbles up European descendant white as the default color in every other story, but suddenly when said story originated from Asia that person's appearance must mirror insert Asian country or "Asia" (whatever that means). Fifty Shades Darker and John Wick is out. There was no reason why the

I based my assignment based on the trailers. They framed it as if Matt's character is the only one who brave enough to defeat the demons at the cost of his life no matter how much baggage it will bring.

Tell that to almost every worker on Mary Sue lol

It's Major only in the live action verse. Major Kusanagi Motoko is an alias, pin name, or w/e else you want to it call in the manga/anime. She has no identity beyond what was given to her upon her rebirth.

Except the Ancient One's criticism is valid in both directions. Cast an East Asian person and those who complain have every right to as the stereotype is reinforced even more than not having said race. Cast a Cacuasion and those who demand for fair repersianstion get pissed off. So what is the other option? Other POCs

Anime was created when the state of being Japanese was seen as untrustworthy and cruel from a western pesepctive. The creator of anime eyes based them on Walt Disney and the other guy. The concept that a person who possesses more Anglo features is beautiful has already been indoctrinated into the mind. Look at Final

I just want to say this isn't a story about a man suffering from a personality-disorder like Mr. Robot, The Fallen, Better Call Saul, or Hannibal. He may be the unreliable narrator, but we the audience already know the source of his "insainsity" is from superpowers. It's about coping with these powers. To understand

Japanese audiences, unlike American audiences, don't understand Motoko to be a Japanese character, just because she speaks Japanese and has a Japanese name. This is a criticism arising from Americans because they are forced to think about identity in more concrete, tactile ways. They have every right to of course. But

This isn’t like Great Wall.

The way plot is visually presented looks unusual, which was a given based on the trailers and interviews. I don't care if the protagonist is unreliable, therefore allowing for a story structure outside the norm. There's only so much you can do with the fifty something structures anyway. I do care about the mental

Yes. That's the best narrtive and logical conclusion we can infer. Good world building.

Uh AOS And overall the MCU is not this dark cesspool of depression like Arrow was for many seasons. There's a lot of triumph and hope installed in everyone instead of the opposite qualities that normally would be overtly shown to us

looks like a generic action blockbuster. TC up against the world ending we receive in exposition in the typical TC manner. i dont like when mummy films leave egypt. mummy's tomb and dragon emperor sucked. this is not even pluppy, which i guess they arent aiming for though the entire franchise has been abdying by that

i didnt care about its thematic premise. therefore what am i left with to enjoy? the characters and who they bored me to death. what they did was even more boring. and yeah the pacing sucked because wtf was the point of the flash forwards if she already knew they weren't dreams? a character not acting upon vital