
Cool you found easter eggs. The fact they exist doesn't fix Aryer's one dimensional characterization, incoherent pacing, out of place plotting, on the nose exposition, unearned pathos, and a bunch of other things including sexism. Source material has nothing to do with writing good fiction Mr I don't get why people

JB was one long premise broken up into exposition that a,b and c character didn't stfu about. Minus the action and we have a Wikipedia summary on script -___-. It was like watching a recap of a JB film

Why don't they just make an overmatch novel or animated series. It would be great for kids, starting a new era like crash bandicoot and Harry potter did.

Because he recently started not caring if people he fights die or live once he reached old age. Before he was normal Batman except much more of a jerk towards any bad guy (questioning punching Harley). His cynical view point is based on a change he had. This is called the fallen hero - "the Fallen Hero is one who

SS is sexist. I have no hope anyone at WB understands females need to be treated as autonomous human beings with their own wants and needs. Oh they have wants and needs, which are either fridged or directly linked to a male's emotional arc. IM SICK OF THIS BULLSHIT TREATMENT ITS NOT ONLY CLICHIE BUT BORING NOW

Females in SS are trophies except Amanda. They serve their men regardless of their sexual appeal, which reduces most facets about them

What a character wears can tell us something about them if it actually rates back to.the narrative..

I will say this a thousand times. Suicide Squad is fun in the same sense that Borderlands, Fry Cry, and Bulletstorm. What the characters say and do are cool but what they say and do make them nonfunctional in the storytelling sense you can watch the film and have fun. Just don't except the techniques and elements

Removed several scenes with the Joker to repaint his relationship with Harley as more loving rather than abusive."

She should just do porn based on how her body is used in these films.

Fetish. It's something to indulge in. Stylized. Bells and whistles. Flashy

She won't because she wants money just like actors won't stop taking roles for films that kill our creativity coughcoughgodsofegypt and make fiction a manufactured cheeseburger.

Nearly every action blockbuster applies Save the Cat method or Dramatica as if both are bibles. Superhero fiction most of all regardless of the medium it's told through puts great emphasis on the enormity of the threat and how it often challenges hereos through smaller scale oppositions it controls. The choice of

Chubby people have no place in Hollywood unless it's a comedy.

Her femininity and autonomy doesn't appear to concern her because both her motivation and actions hardly revolve around them. Stories happen because characters make deliberate choices to get what they desire. Is this Harley desiring to prove sexist ducks wrong or fighting to be herself regardless of what others say?j

He directed d the Flash scene because the actor happened to be near by with the costume

Someone on android their forum said "she is a victim of emotional and physical abuse which leads to her losing her sanity. The fact that she is wacky does not make her any less tragic, and the movie does not portray her abuse as slapstick or funny, ever. She also gets a couple of "serious" scenes where you see that

I think we should read books then because Hollywood isn't doing that a lot

The cons of SS are that all emotional attachment and attempts to humanize the lead cast is either not earned, half-baked, or not done well enough to achieve those effects. Second biggest con is the plot structure is rushed towards the next big threat, leaving little breathing space in between something like a turning