
DECCU is more cynical. MCU is more idealistic. In the MCU, protagonist find hope in misery, while protagonist in the DECCU find misery in hope. What constitutes a dark story is for another discussion

If Harely's character arc was taken seriously in this film she would have been prefect. she can do the roll. now the director and script writer on the other hand

Katana is a generic, sterotypical samuria who can only speak JApanese though somehow understands English. She loves killing and death as stated more than three times in her freaking introduction by herself and two other characters (an example of why we need to show and not tell!). She's extraneous like Slipknot and

Well I don't except the squad to develop. The majority of them are static and reluctant

When you say Harley is crazy for Joker and Katana is a cold jerk well those are their qualities but just like the released footage they match, that personal nature is not used for drama but redaunt gags. This is the recurring problem I see many reviewers saying. Who the characters are do not warrant the emotional

So this review and Birthmoviedeath prove me right. There is an abundance of needless exposition within the script hat reflects he begging of comic books where writer's didn't tell just the artist to convey what the meaning they intended, so they had characters lecture us insert character's motivation,

theres a mid credit in SS. BMVSSM had what would be one in the middle of the film's rising action (WTF) while MOS had none

Of course…

BM in DOJ was useless against Doomsday. he should just stick to Gotham's goons.

Mid CRedit. Marvel Studios normally has 2

My friend says this happens within about the first 10 minutes, establishing that these metahumans have always been here for a while. He also thought in a weird way, the DC world is already in place, excepting us to know things as if assumptions are a requirement for fiction now.

You don't understand how Thanos's competence functions, so I'm going to laugh at it a and then write why later.

I was confused about the characters but the recap videos on YouTube made them a bit clearer.

Just saw and felt like I wanted my 11 dollars back, so I snuck in Star Trek, which was far more entertaining and emotionally gripping.

No. When a team happens you would want to know why the characters are acting these ways and performing these actions NOT because of the preconceived notions of them you found on Wikipedia or already had stored in your head. That's isn't how fiction works. Sure you can do it that way but someone will call it lazy

Annoying Marvel style? Dude Zack Synder's put his dream sequence and Justice League file in the middle of his film, which serves the same function as a post-credit scene! You don't slow down the rising action towards a climatic event with ducking teasers for what comes after the story! Really you think David doing it

Its forever shitty.

Hollywood is the death of storytelling. You guys don't have an ounce of creativity left. The Divison DOESNT NEED A FUCKING ADAPTATION. Ugh studios are stupid. We need directors to say no to shit like this! Not take it because of the fast cash. SERIOUSLY


She was annoying at first because of the forced sympathy. Without the interaction with her son shown, I didn't care he was missing. All of a sudden I was forced to care based on the assumption of motherly love. However, the showrunners ran with it until it turned into her biggest fear. Without the kid, this is how