
In modernation. You don't go all out from the get go. Also look who he's fighting and where. The trippy artwork is when he mainly enters the other realms. This also looks nothing like Incepiation. Fantasies and Perpika

His cape

Before anyone says finally there's MAGIC note we were already introduced to it. The manipulations of three types of energies is called mysticism by humans: personal energies, which come from yourself, universal energies, which derives from the fundamental nature of insernt character's reality, and dimensional

BP coonected with one of the film's themes through his actions and emotions. He was functionally enough to let this film happen.

I hope Wonder Woman shows other strengths to revolve conflicts than just punching. Sure the action here looks breathtaking, supplementing the characterizations of their performers (something Sunder never figured out in his first two DC films). However, Wonder Woman is so much more than how you see her here. I'm afraid

It is true. But not watching them is hard.

If you read the overall premise you have spoiled it like me… well here it is. Enchntress is not the big evil.

They are abusing the exposition… I can already tell this film will get criticised for telling rather than showing, while when shown it's melodramatic. How many times will they state A, B, and Cs' characterization, motivation, flaw, strength, and so on? This is what I notice

…. have you ever watched anything from the MCU? This universe embraces the absurdities, wackiness, and ludicrous nature of superhero comics, especially AOS. Taking it serious would mean amping it up to eleven with no self awareness

KL exist outside the Earth’s reality…. These aren’t Asian monks though the actors are Asian. They are born in another dimension where it’s inhabitants consider themself more than human, some being descendants of aliens.

Critics are extreme. Either something is super good or super shitty

They don’t have the budget to show K'un-Lun in all its glory so instead the show takes place in New York where Danny must conform to the norms of today's society. He’s basically been living in a place equivalent to Mortal Kombat’s Otherworld since the age of ten. Unknown to him he inherited a multi million dollar

Batman gives you the option to surprise attack. In the end once you endanger it comes down to button mashing. It's not like you get secret weapons for doing the former. Thte only reward is your less likely to die on the hardest difficulty. Also in some cases it's the only option because being seen results in game

Why the fuck should we care about superman's grandfather instead of father? Useless plot detail

The race or sex doesn't matter for this character. There's nothing important about his asianess other than its associated with mysitc mumbo jumbo because he's was born in Asia, specifically a magical made up Asian land. And for almost all incarnations he has a fu man chu beard and clothing looking like it Sho Nuf

There is a similar style, which is a caulize one where over top nonsense isn't taken to the most serious degree.

For those s till confused on how Marvel works in the MCU please know it's still following th core principles of Marvel comics. However. How many of you fans have preexisting knowledge of these details? To really tether everything together for magic here that assumption would play a big role.

The movie is boring because the characters are boring and so are the stand in people…. meanwhile all attempts at worldbuidlng haven't built anything up worth the payoff. You just can't shoehorn in all these plot points and except me to care when they lead nowhere

It's how we respond". Mack .talks more like Superman than Zackk Synder's Superman lol. I VOTE FOR BLACK SUPERMAN

In other words he doesn't know how to make a story. A narrative can be a group of pictures but that isn't the same as a story. He went to film school, so he should know this. Though evidence proves otherwise. Whoever taught him didn't do a good job