
Sales isn't how you build ethos. The quality of your product does. Otherwise you got something cheap any sheep will buy. For storytelling it's the characters and the world they live in that have to be good enough for multiple viewings. So far this isn't the case for the DCEU cuz both appear boring.

Bat man hasn't killed regularly in the past 24 years of my life either.The latest three batman games had a batman who did everything in his power to resist killing, which made for good drama when people tried to force him. The idea of murder has an effect on him. That effect was absent in DOJ..

Oh god don't get me started on the defenses. Especially tv trope. Some guy said if characters act rational then their conflict wouldn't be interesting in response to batman being the world's greatest bigiot

The film is mind numbing. The terrorist attack at the begging never to be brought up again is proof. When you want to villianify Superman by having people perform batshit actions you have to acknowledge those actions in relation to THE CHACATER SUPERMAN. COME ON ITS COMMON SENSE. SYNDER SERIOUSLY GO TAKE A CREATIVE

Well we have SS guys. at least Synder didnt even breath in its space

which is what I heard from every other person that compares the two supers

Okay there is a HUGE problem. If you write a Batman who kills people but the Joker stays alive WTF WTTTTTTTTTTTTTF

This is how his mind works though… so it goes for anything he reads

Uh Superman is far more interesting than the majority his rogue gallery, which are almost all flat cardboards giving him an excuse to hit things. It's the reason why they don't warrant solo titles

This is what I have to say.
For a film that has the name of a protagonist in it, Superman is still reactive, flat, and borderline impersonal. Really this is basic storytelling 101. If you have a multi franchise character then they should be as multidimensional as possible, able to multifacet a wide array of actions

Just saw BMvsSM. Correction: BM wants to MURDER SM. He has malice in his intent.

At least he is crazy. But Hollywood is already crazy, for example Venomnom movie with no Spiderman… or an adaption of SOC wtf

Uh but Snyder's defense of MOS proved he doesn't understand objectvism -___-. On the other hand, can he make a film where there isn't bombastic, over top action everywhere ·amped up to its most stylish degree

Marvel has rights to Mutants? Cuz Eden Fesi is a Mutant.

It bugs me the movie people can't bother to check out the MCU own wiki at least or go to any fan site written in the last year. Makes them look like they don't even want to care about greater world buidling as if it's harder work

So shouldn't this the most dangerous Inhuman to currently walk on Earth trigger a response from the Kree. I think we need to see a kree again please

It is when he's allowed to adapt ANYTHING. With his mindset films loose their emotialal impact because he cares more about how badass everything looks. Now it's okay for something like 300 but not something requiring subtlety and heart (feel good stories).He's loud bombastic and wild just like the kids I teach who

Oh god. Everything this guy makes comes across as a 12 year old having a power fantasy with his action figures. He's the definition of the dark and edgy trope. Why doesn't he just ask WB for a Warhammer 40k film