
What's the big deal with Mad Max? Fo a PA story it's nothing impressive among its genre nor are the characters really engaging except Nux, the only one with an actual arc while and more personality to multifacet… Also I couldn't feel anything for Furyusio despite her introduction basically telling me to She's more

I feel like WB is going back to the dark age of comics but without any real purpose as to why other than it looks cool, adult, easy to cater to, and different from the competition. Reminds me of people who say anime like one piece is childish. Well yeah it's for children, the target audience, yet very mature because

In the superman video game there is a bar that if went down you would get game over because metropolis was destroyed too much. The point was to prevent and reduce damage at the same time like in the comics and cartoons. Yet that couldnt happen for man of steel while supergirl and flash do it every week on tv.

We already had one Hand agent. And him alone was WOW. NOW his group are coming in tenfold

Madame Gao said Nobu's clan will not forget his death, while preparing his body. In the comics The Hand, this clan, use humans to host a demon they worship. Stock's group, the Chaste, tries to stop them. HK is known for drawing in black dark arts because of all the misery there. It has a lot of negative engery.

If they made Wonder Woman and Shazam like their new 52 version people would get pitch forks and torches to attack WB. Talk about dark and edgy trope… One question why do people think the trope = mature up and deep.

Unless your going to recur many times on the sliver screen, don't except to be treated as a fully realized individual (case point anyone other than Loki and Magento). Otherwise aside from 1-2 distinctive traits, how threating you are is all what matters the most. This is why NO SUPERVILLAIN ACROSS ALL FRANCHISES has

agents of shield trailer is out with the president asking coulson for help to solve inhumans as zombie ward rises.

But dc can't stop poking fun at super friends lol.

“All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day”

Frank’s goal is to stop crime by killing the people who perpetuate it. He was always Matt’s devil, revealing what happens when a blood knight does kill. From the get go, Matt was described as “one bad day away from permanently crossing a line”, yet Frank does exactly that even though they both want to save lives. For

why. hes a great supporting character. plus this is how his conflict is with matt in the comics, so idk what the problem is cuz if you dont like it here then you wont like it in the source material lol hes not for u i guess

This is very much a Synder film… so much testosterone fueling everything we see on the surface conflict. Bombastic action scene built upon action scene, strife built upon strife, and grimace built upon grimace. He takes dark and edgy to heart (hell look there’s a make out scene as hard rock plays in the background).

DC and Synder seem to hate Superman. There is no apparent focus on his person-hood, so instead it's defined by every other character. He has no personal agency or goals, so it's defined by whatever the studio feels like filling in.

"Why see a Star Wars episode when you could just skip it and see the next one, or the next one, or the next one after that?" Nah Force Awakens suffered from not dramatizing the most important details we the audience had to know in order to retain a stronger emotional connection with the cast. Instead they were all

Why must Superman's idealism be controversial on the sliver screen in order to keep the audience interested? Why do people think this idealism is childish compared to cynicism/pessimism? It's as if people want to drown in misery than hope. Superman was written as a feel good character and his best stories never proved

Avengers is a story where all the Avengers come together to face an unstoppable threat neither of them can do alone. This has nothing to do with that concept apart from everyone taking down Zemo.

The plot of this film seems much more active than other superhero films. None of the characters here seem to have negligible importance. They're not waiting for things to happen to them. Very dramatic. talk about character agency

Devin from Birthmoviedeath said the film is decent too. 65% of the comedy is okay but theres a lot to be desired, especially the emotional connection with the entire cast, flashbacks not impacting current time, and the supporting x men mutants popping out the last few minutes in ways that dont make want you to see

The only film Synder isn't part of thus far and already looks a 10000 times better. It's sad Superman can't excite me like this -____-