
Right - all kinds of companies do this, it makes it super easy to spot who it is. Hell, a variation of this even went down in The Departed.

...that W1SH they had "another" opportunity to do so!

"I can vouch for Gawker, it'll work out fine!"

I saw breadsticks and I clicked

White fish? This sounds like a job for sriracha.

In fairness, Lettuce also runs places like RPM (Giuliana and Bill's restaurant) which, years after opening, requires reservations for a Saturday several weeks if not months in advance. I'm curious if they'll be using it for all Lettuce restaurants that accept reservations, or will do it for the more "exclusive"

Sick burn!

I just want to say that in 2014, the reply-all problem in the BlackBerry story still happens at my company at least once every few weeks. It blows my mind. I think its hilarious when the people then try to "retract" the email, but by then at least 10 people have replied all, and there ya go. Everyone from entry-level

Like many people, Donna, who should have been named Brittany, just can't accept this.

Well this makes me hyper-aware of how horribly I've probably done this every time I've said it as a joke...

Welcome to Chicago! So cold today. Having to unzip everything on the L is the worst - I'd be fine if they just didn't heat the thing and the train just shielded you from the wind.

Thank you very much. Sucks that some embedded video loaded onto FB works and others don't, but that fixed it - appreciate it.

Drives me nuts.

I hated the Neutrogena when I tried it, but I have to admit I probably bought the Sensitive Skin option if it was there because I would have assumed it meant sensitivity to shaving. That's actually a really helpful point that I've never really considered before.

I hated the Neutrogena when I tried it, but I have to admit I probably bought the Sensitive Skin option if it was

Ya, no...I was referring to your stream-of-consciousness approach to parentheses.

That last paragraph (the one with the parentheses (where you talked about hitting a kid (when it wasn't really your fault))) was pretty bad.


You see any advertisers suing the NFL?


Great idea...until you call your Uber driver, tell him you're actually at the airport, and he asks you for directions.