
Yeah, I’m definitely not a Hamilton hater, but fuck it man, you’re already the champion. Take the rest of the season off and give us something more interesting to watch.

Also, Lance is incredibly low key, even for a Canadian. And he has 3 podiums this year. Is he the best driver in the field? Nah. Is he better than let’s say, Albon? I definitely think so.

Theres no line, commit sexual assault, get fired from your job.  “We race as one” right?

I think you’re underestimating the level of desperation among the lower income segment of the population. I sold my house earlier this year and had to clear out a bunch of similar project flotsam; nowhere near as much as David had, but enough to fill up a big storage tub plus a few extra pieces in the bed. Plenty of

My brother makes me do these things.

Kinja is the best (for posting images).

Really what I meant was I wish Mazda would make the Miata in interesting colors. 

I wish automakers would sell interesting colors again, which really means I wish people would buy interesting colors again. 

On invented colors, my favorite is International Klein Blue, designed by artist Yves Klein in 1960. It’s heartachingly, deeply blue.

His shoe melted to the pedal?? Now we know why he only came out with one.

Eh.... I feel like this one is one of the few times it is appropriate.

I hate slideshows, but clicked through this one...  Can we get a dark mode for all Giz content or just *this* slideshow???

You hadn’t heard about the Tacoma Narrows Bridge until yesterday?

This is breaking my heart.

I’m upset that he took it to Jiffy Lube.

To think, I don’t own a single car with a cabin air filter.

All of that crud is IN MY LUNGS.

The fireball the moment he hit made me feel sick. My wife and I were watching live, and the first words out of my mouth were something along the lines of... “Holy shit, did we just watch a guy die?”

You’re “guessing”? Well, this being “Jalopnik” and not “Boat maintenance daily”, yes, you’d think that we’re “new to the world of large ship maintenance”.

On the other hand, it appears that you felt the need to inform of us your vast experience at cutting through hulls to replace marine engines. You’ve accomplished

Still pretty mind blowing for the average Jalop, with little to no previous knowledge into the process.