As someone who lives right near train tracks, Police HQ and an abulance depot, I absolutely get used to the sirens.
‘If you aim for the drain, I won’t complain.’
This is the answer. If he really doesn’t drive much, then he’s causing a bunch of unnecessary production and shipping costs (monetary and environmental) by getting a new car. He should drive this one for 5-10 years and then replace with an EV when he is comfortable with an EV lifestyle.
You know, this reminds me of the “mystery” dum-dum lollipops - they’re the flavor mix that comes when the machinery switches from one flavor to the next. Instead of discarding the candy, they just put a ? on it and it seems like a cool surprise.
That’s the biological imperative to procreate. It’s why we “want” kids, whether we realize it or not. Any more rational reason for wanting kids is far more selfish (historically needing more farm hands, or more currently “someone to take care of me in my old age”)
I actually do want kids, but wanting kids is far more selfish than not wanting them (I don’t recommend saying that to someone with kids.)
I usually say, “I don’t want children and don’t really like them. Those who don’t want children have no business having them. There are already too many parents not taking care of the children they have.”
If it’s someone who I respect enough to give a legitimate answer, I tell them I have different priorities and never felt the same urge a lot of people do.
Dolly is too classy to say, “What the fuck is it to you and why the fuck do you think you have the right to ask that?”
I never found that response to work very well. For many people, telling them you don’t want kids is like telling them you don’t want oxygen...they are unable to imagine someone not wanting something that, to them, everyone should want. As far as they are concerned, children are a basic necessity of life and saying you…
I hear you loud and clear.
1st gear: Real common sense would be for us & Europe to have the same emissions standards.
“Peace.” It’s “peace.” Why don’t you checkout r/AmITheAsshole? for a goodtime?
Snotty jerk analysis confirmed. Also, you were condemning the author of this piece because you haughtily assumed she had never been in a corporate jet to see the gold. I countered with the fact that Trump doesn’t do normal corporate. He vomits gold everywhere to project this image of personal wealth, “I have the BEST…
We may need it.
Steamed fraud?
My response: If Democrats rigged the election for Biden, why wouldn’t they also rig it to get rid of McConnell and Graham? Or at least ensure a majority in the Senate?