
See my reply too crayoneater.

Cauliflower is amazing on the grill. We also frequently grill whole heads of Romaine and little potatoes.

Wow you guys are making me feel old. The earliest event I remember was either Lennon getting shot or the Iran Hostage Crisis. I think they were the same year.

IDK about that, my 2004 Lancer was totaled in a snowstorm this winter. I ended up replacing it with a new Mazda 3 (22k/3 year loan). One reason was gas mileage, I have a long commute and I’m now spending almost half as much on gas as I was with the Lancer. The other reason was I really needed something reliable that

As a former naptown resident. +1

The front is awful. The back side isn’t too bad. I like how the tail lights evoke the old square ones, but I’d of preferred “roundies.”

“Guy” wires. Also a radio tower not far from me, fell down a few years ago after a mowing tractor clipped one of its guy wires.

That’s Maine and Massachusetts.

Because little kids fall into the toilet in the middle of the night when dad leaves the seat up.

Clearly you’ve never had Peeps Skillet S’mores.

Please, Ibarra is way better.

It’d be even better if they left them white all year long.

Are you really that close minded? Well I suppose with a user name like that you might be. If someone saying “Happy Holidays” really gets you that worked up you probably need to do a little soul searching on your own faith of lack thereof. Personally I consider “the Holidays” the stretch of days from Thanksgiving


My grandparents in NYC would send me down the hall to drop them down the incinerator.

You are my people. I have sensory issues with squishy giggly food. I can’t eat bananas, jello, tapioca and other stuff. Also I stepped on a jellyfish as a kid and it freaked me out so much I can’t eat shellfish and other bottom feeders. I’m queasy just thinking about it.

As the owner of an orange 02 I heartily agree.

Natty neglected to mention that his neighbors on the other side were a commune.

I’m a Pats fan and this is funny.

I don’t disagree. However unless they are going downhill (and that’s asking for trouble), I find it unlikely that anyone that blitzed can reach speeds of twenty mph on a bicycle.