Wow, looks like a Dodge Challenger went all “Madame Butterfly” on a Civic, and their baby ended up in China as a confused young traveler.
Wow, looks like a Dodge Challenger went all “Madame Butterfly” on a Civic, and their baby ended up in China as a confused young traveler.
Made by humans? Yeah, okay. I believe there was a bit of intelligent design involved.
Thought that was supposed to be a Grand Cherokee. Er, I mean a Guankidong Elevated Spirit
Sounds confusing and frightening to my American ears. How do you even measure fast in metric? 0-91.56 deciliters per gram in 7.6 kiloseconds?
Looks interesting. My favorite piece of tech on it is the giant side “vent” that runs the entire height of the car. Many people don’t know this, but it works like this: when the windows are down, it captures any stray cologne and hair gel coming from the occupants, then filters it and sends it out the back as fresh…
That thing is a time capsule, wow.
But how do you... point... your dash?
Looks like a car you’d see in Grand Theft Auto that’s not officially licensed. I think it might be the Pep Boys lettering used on the rear.
Thank god I have a stash of Radaway
This eBay chip adds 35hp to your Miata
[wearing shit-eating grin] “I gotta tell ya, all the engineering that goes into something as simple as an oil filter is ridiculous. You’d be better off using a paper cup with a sock in it! hrmphraphmmffm! [ridiculous closed-mouth giggle]”
I thought antiseize was for epileptics.
“No different than admiring...a beautiful woman you will never be with”
Didn’t Nissan already try this with the GT-R? Hm, maybe the Juke has a more robust transmission.
I hope for the best. And, lucky for him, the first 100 visitors to the hospital that day got A FREE MRI.
idk if that analogy works. Woman of your dreams with a dick is like getting your Amazon order and the box has a charging cable in it for a phone you don’t own and it’s not on the invoice.
Manuals are okay. If you’re shopping on Craigslist though, manuel transmissions are where it’s at.
Pretty sweet. I’m glad their JC Whitney fender vent supplier partnership remains strong.