Has anyone checked if you have chronic heartburn like from GERD?
Has anyone checked if you have chronic heartburn like from GERD?
Asking for a friend: how’s it looking on Stadia?
I don't pay a dime for LastPass....am I doing it wrong?
Looks like a fly on the lens to me. The videos are said to be real by the air force. It’s a real video of a fly on the lens.
Media people are addicted. For business reasons and maybe for some, ego reasons. As a news source, the rest of us should dump it.
Looks like a fly on the lens. Anyone rule out “fly on the lens” yet?
The new Honda Civic is bumming me out because it’s not a Porsche.
Y’all jealous.
Might, feels like, could be
Wtf, America? W.t.f.
Did you just invent sunscreen wipes? I think you did.
Hey guys. You know Twitter is a private company and can stop all this stuff if they wanted. But they don’t. Why do we keep supporting twitter? Hint: media people, journalists, broadcasters see twitter as their life blood. It’s a horrible co-dependency
Ontario’s right wing is not the same as the US’s right wing. By a long shot
Let’s imagine every recipe passed down through the ages of time. Let’s now imagine how many thousands or millions of horrible people (depending on your outlook on humanity) who have cooked or had a hand in shaping those recipes.
Criticizing someone for something theyre born with and have no control over. Not hypocritical at all.
If your copy had all your memories, it could possibly think that it’s you and has always been you. Oh wait...yeah, just replace my body with robotics please.
Jeez. The shows default point of view of Westworld (The Show) is that humans are horrible and that Westworld (The Park) and all the Delos parks, facilitate the worst of human behaviour.
Please inform your congressman.
It’s a commercial.
Hello from Rest Of World. We also play video games.