
A little off?

because some people believe that unless you are better than someone at something you have no right to critisize it (thank God no one told that to any movie, book or game review organization).

How would that make these less terrible?

They didn't even try to get the faces right. These are pretty fuckin terrible.

I honestly feel sorry for people that invest a lot of time in MMO's. So much time wasted on such mundane experiences. Everyone I talk to who "plays", praises the social aspect of it and it always leads me to wonder, "why not just interact with real human beings if that's what keeps bringing you back." Of course that's

"Several years later I'll reach the level required to legitimately build a Warplot"

Exactly why I don't play MMOs, who has the time?

How foolish of me to let these basic ass references fly over my head.

The gaming industry and gaming journalism is in a really bad place right now. Too many white knights with no fuckin balls. A little bit of me is hoping for another video game crash.

Guy was an old bigot, no question about it. But should this Olin guy be fired simply for expressing his opinion on the matter?

I guess people couldn't see through the bullshit.


Let's take generic looking characters and make them even more generic.

Reminds me of KoF artwork, so that's cool.

No, it's not like the gaming/nerd culture is predominately privileged white people who equate white to being the norm.

You're right, there's a ton of Xbox fans from China that visit Kotaku.

This looks half-assed compared to the other projects.

That's quoted directly from Patricia's description of the menus in Destiny. Explain what hipster slick is you fuckin clown.