Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor.
That sounds exactly like Videogame culture...
Can't even troll right. Pathetic.
The first time I wave dashed, it made me appreciate the struggle of the gay man/woman in America.
You guys are seriously obsessed with gay culture, it's really unbelievable. We all know what this is about, you don't really care about gays, you just want another avenue of traffic. I can't even tell how many people gay people roll their eyes every time you do a piece on gay culture; you aren't helping, you're…
"Call it sexist, call it a boys' club, even call it over-compensating..."
You already have 2-3 editors for that. I see the articles dropping the sooner this game gets close to release.
I'm sorry but the Survey Pool is far too small for any Video game company to take seriously.
One day it's about wanting more challenging games, the next it's that games are too hard. One thing is for certain, devs should never listen to fans and just make the games they want to make.
Because this is Kotaku, you can't expect too much.
White people are weird as shit man.
Seeing how the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One almost 2 to 1, this doesn't mean shit.
Actually, I run PS Now wirelessly and get no lag or dents in performance. Runs smooth as silk.
Way to go, badgering him about the female protagonist 3 fucking times in a row.
I don't understand Kotaku's obsession for not accepting a game for what it is. Very un-professional.
The water looks off.
Leave it up to Gamexplain to take a 30 second video and turn into a 15 minute video of pure bullshit. Gamexplain and Kotaku = the perfect marriage.
More importantly, they're in NINTENDO's game.
I agree but it's funny coming from a site where a dude wears pink fuckin pants.