
Come on man, you expect journalists to write full articles? It's not like they went to school for this or something.

This will not end well, at all. I'm predicting this is going to the best worst selling console to ever hit Japan. In fact, I bet PS4 sales are going to increase substantially when the One releases there.

Yeah, that's why I never understand PC gamers (I own a pretty beefy machine myself) that go around touting specs and how much better they can run games than consoles when most PC games don't utilize the machines to their fullest anyway. The top PC exclusive games are all made to run on low end to medium machines: WoW,

Ehh, looks kind of generic and bland. GTA V is still king and probably will remain on top for most fully realized world, that's gorgeous too.

Seeing how Sony is notorious for ripping off Nintendo, Nintendo probably did it first.

Funny, because most publications including Kotaku have touted most of Nintendo's online efforts, Miiverse, etc. as being more innovative than PSN or XBL...

To be honest, all of Nintendo's DLC so far has been extremely well done. Far superior than most developers.

I think she prefers licking.

1018 is insane to me because I never really noticed them saying Fuck that much. I guess it depends more on how it's implemented and the world itself.

Looks extremely generic. Needs more orange and blue contrast.

Exactly. Why would you choose to promote Diversity by segregating them? You need to integrate into the show itself without making it a big deal.

I can't believe they had to do this to make a few weak minded people happy. The older I get, the more I have to distance myself from the gaming community.


Filler time.

The biggest improvement to me (PS4 owner) is the massive performance boost. Everything I played has been buttery smooth, so much so that I just can't play PS3 games anymore. That's why I don't have a problem with the TLOU being remastered.

Hopefully with the Wii U flopping this will force Nintendo to just really go all out. I like what I'm seeing.

I want to get this game for the PC but I'm not sure how well it sold and/or is still selling? Don't want to play with a dead community? Can anyone shed some light on this?

I take it you didn't grow up in Brooklyn?

Do what I do. Just say this once after you say what item you want to purchase; "I just want the game, I don't want to give you my number and I don't want to pre-order anything. Thanks a lot."

Just say that exactly once and wait for them ring you up. They're not going to refuse to sell you the game.

I'll probably be in the minority but I don't think this captured the look of Adventure Time at all. SoT might've raised the bar too high.