
Yes and no. However, there is no denying this game is a result of taking the most popular games out at the moment and mashing them together. There is no doubt in my mind that this game would have never been made if Mine Craft wasn't created.
Usually, a brand new type of game arises once the current fad/trend starts to

So a better, new experience can arise? Like it or not, Cube World is another game following in Mine Craft's footsteps. I'm not saying Cube World is a bad game, absolutely not. I purchased it and am going to play and enjoy it but it doesn't feel new or fresh at all.

Uhh, Pixar didn't make Despicable Me. It doesn't even look like a Pixar movie.

Seems like A Crack in Time and Tools of Destruction are the games to get.

Thanks for the info.

Thanks for clearing that up. I will pick these up this weekend hopefully.

Ah okay, that's good to hear. What's the deal with Quest for Booty and Full Frontal Assault? Are they like mini campaigns?

I'm a huge R&C fan from the PS2 days. Are the PS3 titles really that bad? Makes me sad because I still want to play them.

Too bad you have to be rich to attend NYU.

The sad truth of living in America, this constant fear of doing something silly and getting trapped in the legal system forever. It really seems like once they get you in, you're finished for the rest of your life.

I actually agree that Online handles don't matter. A name never matters. People are attracted to the person/player's skills/persona, no matter what name he has. You can pick any handle you want and you will always build the same reputation based on YOU. This whole video proves this; none of these people put thought

This is bullshit. You don't need that much money to make a good game. Seems like they are trying to pay themselves..too much.

I hate to say it but Tim fell off. It feels selfish to keep giving this man money to recapture his glory days. It hurts to say, but it is true. I rather give money to up and comers than a has

Not even joking, I wasn't even aware Kotaku covered fighting games. Only time I see an article is when something negative happens; at least those are the ones that get the most "buzz".

Besides the FGC has Shoryuken, eventhubs, TYM. Sites that are vastly superior in terms of the FGC, to anything Kotaku could contribute

America, lol.

This is one ugly art style and would never work with Mario.

Not understanding the NSMB hate. The first one was pretty generic and boring, I agree but after that they've all been great. NSMB2 is a great game and felt fresh and the Wii/U ones were also top notch.

Is that a actual screen shot? That looks absolutely horrible. None of them look like real people at all.

As a animator/illustrator who's been studying this age of animation, I have to say they didn't come close to capturing the Fleisher style of animation at all or any early era of animation. It just looks very, very bad and amateurish. No form, no lines of action; just looks very chaotic and random.

I'm pretty sure if an American company made a game with a character based on Asian stereotypes they would get their ass handed to them on the internet. But if a Japanese company does it to Americans/white people it's okay?

The first thing I noticed was that damn nose. It takes center stage in every damn screenshot.

Naughty Dog is one of my favorite developers and I've followed/grew up with them since their inception. With that being said, they would MAYBE crack the top 10 if you're being rational.

As a person who puts gameplay first, fuck recent BioWare. They make shitty games now thanks to EA.