chauncy that billups

Maybe. It certainly wouldn't be as popular if she ended up looking like ralph wiggum.


Sorry, but this is the only fitness bracelet I need. Go ahead, TRY to knock me over by pushing on this specific spot on my arm! Those are my ions fighting back at you!

Click the Google+ link bro.

Of course it doesn't offer proof; it's sensationalist garbage. It saddens me that the Smithsonian has been reduced to the same nonsense that apparently infects the rest of the new media.

Exactly. For this to be of any import at all, we'd have to see the trend lines around the time they predict the decline. For all we know (and what I think is more likely) the trendlines will continue going up well beyond 2030.

Temperature pretty much destroys any of the unique volatiles in natural vanilla. In baking/cooking applications, even experts cannot detect the difference between natural and fake vanilla. Natural vanilla is really only useful in raw / uncooked applications.

This is all well and good; I see this stuff becoming more and more a la carte as time goes on. Carmody is right about that. I think the biggest problem we have right now is not monopolies over content, it is the devolution of internet access and bandwidth caps. What good is 100% ala carte availability when I am


They most likely have a description so similar as to make the twitter one completely indistinguishable.

My iphone 3GS would do this all the time. it would go down from 100% to 99% while plugged in, then back to 100%.

"HBO GO finally makes the network's entire catalogue of shows available on the Xbox, though you'll have to already be an HBO subscriber with one of the larger cable providers in the US to access it....So who really needs a cable box wasting space in their entertainment center at this point? "

He was telling a story about a device Woz created that messed up/turned off tv signals (I think). He'd turn the thing on and off until he got people standing like that holding their antenna, and then he'd stop messing with them, making them think that it was their pose that fixed the problem.

I had this problem with the iPad 1. It would drop the signal constantly. I've had 0 problems with my launch day 3rd gen iPad. It doesn't get too hot, recharging isn't a problem (I don't use it heavily while charging though), and wifi has been solid.

I got a warning message from TWC after torrenting The Wire FIVE years ago that froze my Internet connection until I agreed that I read it. I don't see how anything was different before. ISP's have been doing this for a while.

a little blurry, but cool.

This story pops up every year or so. The idea that Tuvalu is disappearing is very suspect, to put it lightly.

yeah, I used it also. It was actually really info-rich and well done.

the big draw here is 2048x1536.