chauncy that billups

2048x1536 screen for $499 dude. that is insane.

I think you're overestimating the cost by just a little bit (it won't be a building, more of a cable), although I agree that it's still prohibitively expensive. But the other problem, as someone else mentioned, is it could not physically be built in Japan - not close enough to the Equator:

Now playing

Pffffffft. hackers have been able to do this for years

If the resolution really turns out to be 2k, then I will be pre-ordering on day 1. My only hesitation is if the new screen has some kinks (dead pixels, yellow display) as has happened with many of their refreshes.

It's funny because it's clearly never going to work and yet he's approaching it as if it is somehow possible.

until about a month later, when he's sending it to you as though you've never seen it before.

Sure, if by the "wrong" ones you mean all of them.

both, I guess.

I cannot stand instagram photos. I don't know what it is, but as soon as I see one I sort of black it out in my mind. Maybe it's the cheesy-ass filtering. I know tons of people love it, but I don't think I'll ever like those stupid pics.

"According to new radiocarbon dating tests, these are the [earliest] paintings [found so far]."

It's not just that. Some rent only discs do not allow you to skip the previews and commercials. One really insidious disc did not even let me FAST FWD the previews. Trust me, I could scarcely believe it, but I tried everything. It was some bullshit. I finally ended up muting it and reading until the crap was over.

Porn. It contains porn.

Don't apologize. That was quite an adequate and satisfying burn on someone making a laughingstock of the scientific process (since blogs are treating it as science and not art, it is open to such criticism).

Scumbag Parent: spends $3500 on latest 21:9 HDTV. Watches all broadcasts in SD.

Yeah, this one I simply can't get my head around.

Songs will be written about him

Actually sometimes they leak, and "blue" ice builds up on the side of the plane that eventually breaks off into chunks. No sticky stuff though. Mythbusters did an episode on it.

Actually, not necessarily. Several studies have shown that placebos can provide a positive effect even when the patient knows that it's a placebo. Such is the power of the mind.

Well, either a check or a letter saying that they could not honor your rebate request because you did not use blue ink, or dot your 'i's', or enter your middle initial.