chauncy that billups

As I said in an earlier post, don't underestimate the Japanese ability to get things back in order. I'd bet that in 2 years, most of these places will look like nothing ever happened.

Wow, you started off reasonable and really just fell off the deep end there...

Michael Crichton railed against this 5 years ago. Congress should have listened.

Lol, u mad bro?

He can multiply force all he wants. If the economy doesn't turn around, Obama can kiss 2012 goodbye.

I was very surprised at the virtually instant headache I got when trying it out at a kiosk. Usually I think people who claim stuff like that are pretty much spewing bs, but it did really seem to cause pain behind each eye. I did not feel the pain when turning the 3d off. Very strange.

I think something must be mistyped in year 2002 - tube readers+case for $15,000? Were these owned by the Queen?

Oona noota Solo! Saam peetalay!

funny, that's what my wife always tells me; unfortunately I can only work with what I've got.

The only problem with this is that it's so close to the wall it may be difficult to plug your component and other cables into the back of the tv.

Why is this story getting so much attention? Doesn't someone predict the rapture, like, every other day? Why do we care, other than to mock a fool (I think I just answered my own question)? He's already been discredited once.

Vitamin D3 may be one of the very few supplements you can take that will actually provide significant benefit. 10 minutes of full sun exposure gives you about 10,000 IUs of D3, but it takes about 48 hours to absorb fully (if you don't bathe). So I figure you can take at least 10,000 IUs every 2 days and be fine. If

Smart answers. Just one little problem:

By all means, invest in Bitcoin. Forgive me if I take a pass on this.

Nice work - a non-bannable "can it run crysis" comment.

That seriously looked 3D - even using my measely 1080p monitor. If stuff like this becomes standard, physical media will be around for a long time to come...imagine trying to push 4300p over DSL or even Fiber? It would be a no-go.

"Unlike traditional currency, that's backed up by something, (be it gold, silver, or a central bank), BitCoins are generated out of thin air....This makes the whole system a lot sweeter for early adopters."

Looks like a Dr. Seuss illustration.

Of course it's lost in the uncanny valley. This looks a little better than the Polar Express (which has absolutely dreadful facial animation), but only just.

hahahaha! What an oversight. My son has a little electronic caterpillar that has a button for each letter of the alphabet. If you try to spell out curse words (which I did, naturally), it WILL NOT let you. Type in "F-U-C-K" and it will say "F-U-C-HA HA HA That tickles!" It only does this for curse words.