chauncy that billups

I am still betting on a June iPhone release. I seriously think these "delay" rumors are merely payback for the early leak of the iPhone 4 last year. In other words, Jobs is having his minions spread false info so as to surprise the tech world come WWDC. I have no evidence of this, other than

Her expression is inscrutable.

I was banned for it once, a long time ago.

That's if you can actually get the $#%#$% thing to show up. I've found you have to link/upload , THEN type a comment in a specific order, or it won't work. And forget trying to edit your comment to get it to come back.

It's sarcoidosis.

Ah, Strange symbols! Let me use Google to translate that. means "I am a douche!"

My iphone 3GS basically stopped working completely after updating to 4.3.2. No 3g at all, searching all the time (SIM wasnt the problem because I'm using that SIM just fine in a replacement flip phone). Wifi wouldn't work either, unless I completely turned off cellular data, or removed the sim card entirely. I

Now playing

I thought this question was definitively answered with the magic of Beamz (tm).


Yeah, quitting smoking is *just* like coming off heroin, if you replace the feeling of "damn, I kinda want a cigarette" with delirium, fever, vomiting, tachycardia, and hallucinations. I've quit smoking. I'd never in a million years want to try, or quit, heroin.

I find it more hilarious (and tragic) that AL FUCKING FRANKEN is scolding anyone for anything.

Not sure that's fair. It certainly is of Apple, who bought out and promptly exterminated it.

Anyone care to quote fake MLK, jr?

Keep these articles coming.

The fake Twain quote is pithy and funny. The fake king quote is grad-student pretension. Both are somewhat false; but there's a difference.

I don't care what your opinion is, if you disagree or not. I don't think I'm superior. I'm stating that those claiming moral high ground by quoting MLK, Jr (and make no mistake, that's what they are doing), are de facto stating their moral superiority. And that is basically like pissing on a parade.

No, but I do get to hide their smug-ass posts.

I didn't say they don't have a right to say it. I said I personally think it's bullshit.

That's exactly what those FB posts are.