chauncy that billups

@midnightvii: I'd just ignore that one too. Stick with your seasons 1-5.

@Benedinho: honestly, a better ending than the real one.

I know a place with unlimited helium. It's not the sun either: Jupiter.

@madisondj: clearly the latter. This story is absolutely laughable.

@thebrokencarnage: Yes. That's why the term 'consensus' is dangerous. I'd much rather see reasonable disagreement than lockstep groupthink (ahem...UN IPCC) when it comes to complex systems.

It blows my mind that this show came back and is still on. When does that ever happen?

I have serious doubts as to the validity of the hypothesis that seas are rising anywhere near a level to be the point where I would have no problem buying a house on the outer banks or even in Amsterdam (if I could afford it). however this concept has merit simply for being a way to utilize otherwise

@wild_world_girl: I'd watch Les Stroud any day over Bear Grylls. Man v. Wild is massively overproduced.

@bwj109: Gerbil from Richard Gere's rectum...

I always thought that if I had a superpower, I'd want it to be the ability to speed-up/slow down my own personal time bubble. How awesome would it be to be walking around normally (to you) while this stuff was going on around you?

If Ron Paul had actually been riding in something this pimp, he may have had more of a shot (or at least gotten more votes)

@TVGenius: Yeah, that's right. That's also why there's large swaths of nothing in this video: the exposures are too long. When I watched the Perseid's a decade ago, I saw 40-50 meteors in a one hour stretch, but most only lasted half a second or less. With 20 second exposures crushed down to 24 frames/second, these

I went back through the original articles on this thing and I couldn't find any info on what is really relevent here: how the term "car" is defined for testing. What's the HP on this thing? How fast can it go? I mean, there are plenty of golf carts and other low emissions vehicles already out there. I mean, this

What is funny is that we will have long since figured out technologies that will allow us to visit other stars while voyager is still drifting out there by itself.