Lucky Charms Marshmallow Truther

“Oh, I didn’t see you there while I was doing all these pushups”

Actually that’d be one of the few times the league is right about something.

Two lousy teams in color rush uniforms on Thursday. The perfect storm of suck.

Nah. I’m from OKC, he’ll get booed and maybe heckled a bit. I doubt anyone pulls this, though.

These idiots... Dolan, Snyder... they could of been hailed as progressive heroes & turned a tasty profit all at the same time. But instead they dug in their heels & now they look like racist assholes.

“I think I might just give them permission to keep using it.....then take it back”

It certainly didn’t help that Manfred referred to the meeting as a “powwow”.

The logo is so garishly racist that I didn’t even realize it was supposed to resemble a human until I was in my 20s. I thought it was like...a Phillie Phanatic sort of character.

Just to be VERY, VERY clear, said meeting will not be held until Cleveland has had ample opportunity to sell any/all 2016 AL (or MLB) Championship T-shirts, hats, and assorted memoribilia.

Ben Bithop

Good thing Christmas is coming up.

They’re working in shifts!


I gotta go check with the boys down at the crime lab. We got four more detectives on the case!

I, too, perform better for Cooter.

He really can fix anything.

Who’s life isn’t improved when adding some Cooter to it?

something something before Cooter and after Cooter

Was at Game 2, 5 rows behind where Konerko’s grand slam landed. The fireworks were going off right behind us, yet you couldn’t hear a thing. People tend to forget how absolutely dominant the White Sox pitching staff was in the playoffs that year, probably because no one watched it.