Billy Unotti

Thank you! The fact that the judges ate up her dog day realness look is literally one of my most frustrating moments EVER! She completely ignored the rules of the challenge. Thank you thank you! Latrice had 1 good look, and I felt like Phi Phi had ZERO as well.

She's my favorite! And Ryan, she was pregnant the whole season. She is hilarious and awesome. I respect your difference of opinion, but to call her unfunny is not fair. It might not be your type of humor, but she's damn funny… and thin! :)

And Jiggly placed 7th bitch! (There's no way I would could Kenya's one episode brief return as ahead of Jiggly). She was a mess but totally adorable to me.

Yes!!!! Me and my sister still say that to each other every time we are having a really good day.