
So you didn't care for Joaquin Slowly?

But do you own it on Betamax?
It was released so late in the life of the format that Disney was slapping VHS-sized labels on the few Betamax copies they released.

I recall getting a kick out of the joke at Schumacher's expense in the "Legends of the Dark Knight" episode of The New Batman Adventures… when I finally got it 4-5 years later. I'm sure this says something about me, as it was far from a subtle dig.

If only we did that with Master Of Champions from the mid-2000s, where ABC had a panel of judges (creepy Steve Garvey! drunk Oksana Bayul! recently kinda relevant Johnny Mosley!) pick a winner from the winners of a variety of ridiculous and vaguely sports-related competitions.
One of the competitions was between two

I rather liked how Ben Quadrinaros owned a podracer with four engines, and also had a more human name than 90% of the humans in the Star Wars films.

So… Bravestarr, basically.

Well, the original shows creators tried to explain why one of the sisters' birth parents was a 30-something Caucasian male, so they might be able to come up with something…

Like Lars, I also often incorrectly apply Jurassic Park's logic to my daily life.

The twist on "the butler did it" is that the butler did it in service of an interplanetary civil war. I like it!

From the front to the back, as pages turn
Reading is a very fresh way to learn

That's Kerry Earnhardt.

I doubt Genndy intended for it to come across this way, but I interpreted it as the same logic that allows Wile E. Coyote to defy gravity long enough to hold up a sign that says "Uh-Oh!" before plummeting to the bottom of the cliff. The laws of the animated universe have impeccable comic and dramatic timing.

Just beat me to it on Space Harrier. I would love to see what modern game programmers would do with it.

I was at a used video game store a few weeks back and they had a copy of Magic Knight Rayearth behind glass. They wanted $500 for it. I thought it made a fascinating museum piece… it was delayed so many times I wasn't 100% sure it was released.

Early polygonal games are typically rough and often not worth revisiting, but the demand for them was clearly there from the beginning of the Saturn's life.
The Saturn was released in the US in May 1995, Mario 64 (Sept 96), and FF7 (Jan 97) came out less than 2 years later. At least half of the Playstation's early

Three, coincidentally, is half the number of games that were ever released that required both the Sega CD and 32X to play, all of which were awful FMV games already available in Sega CD only versions.

Sega flubbed the Saturn so badly, especially at launch, that I doubt the absence of CD/32X burnout would have made a major difference. The surprise early release of the console that left developers furious and early adopters with nothing but the six launch titles available for three full months, holding the Saturn's

At last! A chance to get Eternal Champions right… er, less wrong. Yeah, let's go with that.

I thought the Japanese series were quite sane. It was the Canadians who made an animated Anne series in which she invents modern hockey goalie equipment…

I am reasonably sure that the list of currently running cartoons she hasn't done voice work for is significantly shorter than the list of those that she has, accomplishment previously achieved by June Foray, Cree Summer, and Grey Griffin. That's impressive company.