
And now they can set their sights on Josta…

Sounds like the Sonic game that Sega should have released on the Saturn, with its wonderful ability to handle fast-paced sprite-based games. Probably would not have saved the system, the conquest of the polygon was inevitable, but it sure would have pleased fans… something Sega spent much of their time on the Saturn

I like how both of your examples are Andy Griffith.

I was conflicted as to whether he deserved it, as he was voiced by Weird Al Yankovic.

"The Twilight Zone" is probably the most notable early example of challenging television, but yeah, such shows were few and far between for decades.

Donald: I know this is gonna sound strange…
Everyone: It always does.

Well, he was Maui Mallard back in the 90s.

No "what did he say?" jokes in this one, though. I think there was at least one in every episode Donald appeared in from the original series.

I had not heard about a planned Three Caballeros episode. That I will very much look forward to whenever they do it for no better reason than nostalgia. The Three Caballeros was the first movie I ever "owned", I still have the Betamax cassette my parents gave me for learning how to tie my shoes.

That quote might be a bit much, but DuckTales was a landmark in television animation. Disney spent millions on it before they ever aired an episode, committing to a full syndication season of 65 (half-hour) episodes.

A good start for what seems all but assured to be a good show at the very least, but it has the source material, talent, and backing to be great. It is going to have to exceed some extremely lofty expectations to do so, but the possibility is intriguing.

Indeed. The moment I finally really got that was the Y2K episode, where Peggy proudly tells a doomsdayer who used to work for Dell and "knows things" that she owns a Kaypro.

So… Funky Winkerbean as a television show, basically.

If you count all of the sub-channels in my area, I think I get nearly as many channels via antenna as I do via cable. Something like 80+ now. 70% of it is in Spanish or Vietnamese, but its a heck of a lot of programming for the price of an antenna I bought at Radio Shack 20 years ago. Buzzr and Qubo's late night

Not to mention that the theme song is built almost entirely around her saying "Arnold".

I was always partial to: "My mom wouldn't notice me if I was an alien pod-person chanting Hare Krishna and spitting nickels."

I preferred Dr. Time Space and the Continuums…

First "Big Johnson" t-shirt I've seen in at least a decade.

There was a time when it was harder to find a currently running cartoon that she was not involved in than one that she was. And it was a long time, too.
What a legend.

And Digital Underground, for those that owned the soundtrack.