What an asshole.
What an asshole.
Maybe they should do some thought pieces on how nobody is to blame for this disaster other than the rabid Clinton supporters that dismissed Bernie Sanders and people like Elizabeth Warren, and the people that attacked their supporters in terms that only people like Trump could appreciate. My favorite gem was when the…
Seriously, I think there needs to be a new site for the political articles. I don’t want to sort thorough the sports articles to read about how our government is fucking up.
I’d rather The Concourse be its own separate page, so I don’t have to go to Deadspin to read about how bad the Browns are and see Trump as the top story every day for the next four years. Write whatever you want, but can it please be on its own standalone site, like Gizmodo/Jezebel/Deadspin?
Can you guys cool it for a couple days on all of the political articles?
Not too busy, but just didn’t want to:
“I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all... ...If the Democrats needed my vote I’d cast it, but they don’t, and so I don’t really know why I’d bother...” - Alex Pareene, ladies and gentlemen!
Fuck I remember opening my laptop, which was connected to the projector, to do a presentation in a class. I forgot to close the porn from the night before. WOOPS. My entire life flashed before my eyes.
I am a Seahawks fan. The first title we won, it was tons of fun, high fixing strangers all week, yelling “Go Hawks” at random intervals, the whole championship deal.
What are you talking about? For some strange weird reason Gizmodo is Gawker 2.0. You know, the technology site.
Can you let all of the people posting gawkery crap on gizmodo know that?
Bullshit. I bet most of the people who know who Fredette (an actual professional athlete) is don’t know that he’s mormon but the ONLY thing most people know about Tebow is how fucking annoyingly Jesus-y he is.