Billy Suter

You should’ve tried to get Mike Watt. He does jam econo, after all.

Bartolo Colon is the last remaining Expo.

All you really have to do (if you’re using uBlock Origin, that is) is go into the options and disable cosmetic filtering. That’ll also fix the bug where you can only see the top of Twitter videos.

So it has a T-Townop?

According to his Baseball Reference page, he played in the Negro Leagues from 1946 to 1948. He made his MLB debut in 1949, played in the minors in 1950, then stayed in the majors for good from 1951 to 1964. After that, he played in 3 MLB games in 1976 and 2 in 1980.

You can’t have a discussion about old-ass baseball players without mentioning Minnie Minoso. Dude had an at-bat in 5 different decades, for fuck’s sake.

San Andreas is my favorite. K-JAH West forever!

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I see somebody’s making progress on the variable wheelbase car.

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They should’ve replaced him with Peter Green and Jeremy Spencer.

Let’s hope the rescue crews didn’t get sent to Constantinople.

Apparently having an elbow surgery named after him wasn’t enough for Tommy John. Now he’s got underwear named after him.

Apparently having an elbow surgery named after him wasn’t enough for Tommy John. Now he’s got underwear named after

Upton fucked it up!

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If you’re smart, you can trick rhythmically challenged people to clap on the right beat.

Max Grodenchik (Rom) was actually *really* good at baseball, so he played left-handed in the show so he’d be really bad.