Billy Suter
Now playing

Rule 1: if your dealer is named The Widowmaker, run.

The Blue Jays did this once, back in 1988.

Man Throws First Pitch, Hits Dong In Same Game

It’s not a true cycle unless he steals first.

I don’t mean to Harper on about it, but I think he’s gonna need a Bryce for his knee.

You mean, like this?

Do you think they’re gonna make an Indians one for Jay Bruce?

I remember something like this happening in Old Man’s War. She’s lucky she didn’t kick herself in the uvula.

All what we got here is American made
It’s a little bit cheesy, but it’s nicely displayed

Now playing

Double Nickels is my favorite album of all time. I think this is my favorite song on it.

For those of you that were wondering, here’s a list of pitchers that had three-pitch innings:

Delmonico’s debut was not well done.

*insert “Indian giver” joke here*

And a movie!

This plane catches my breath every time I see it. They have a non-trainer version at the Air Force Museum near my house. They also have one of these:

Death to Mucci

dumbass assin’ ass asses

How much is that tooth he chipped off going for?