Billy Ruffian

old white men gonna old white men. 

“Kentucky Hobbled Washington” is also the Mitch McConnell story

Thirty-Three is a perfect song. I have so much love for Stumbleine it isn’t rational. Bodies and In The Arms of Sleep are very good.  Basically, I don’t understand this take.  Especially given your otherwise impeccable taste.  ;)

tori tori tori TORI LIVES

Did you like Garbage’s self titled album? I heart Shirley Manson! That album is perfect 90s angst.

I remember my grandpa being uncomfortable that she sang the F-word at the Grammys. It’s ubiquitous now (Ariana has it peppered all over her latest album and Mariah Carey had a single this year that sang “Get the fuck out”), but it was a very big deal for a young lady to be winning awards for that kind of language in

Yeah this is a shit take on an absolutely classic and significant album.

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. Hand In My Pocket? Ironic? Head Over Feet??? SO GOOD 

As a kid that hit middle school a year after this album came out, Jagged Little Pill felt like the first time I had permission to be ANGRY or disgruntled.

Now playing

Gotta disagree hard on this one. IMO Jagged Little Pill holds up as a top 10 90s album. It’s a viscerally angry album and Alanis is SO GOOD at getting her emotions across.

Your wife must reallly love it!

How awful of a college kid do you have to be to want to snitch on one of your classmates like this? Should’ve went to a state school with a large commuter population, nobody gives a shit about what anyone does in those places. You’re just trying to make it through the day while trying to forget about your student

I was told this in Scotland. I figured they knew what they were talking about. *shrug*

I think there may have also been “issues” with the actress Jennifer Lien.

If it’s all as it currently looks like it might be, it could have been an attempt at a Harry Kim maneuver. The actor was about to be fired from Voyager to make room for 7 of 9... but then he landed in one of People’s Top 50 lists.

I wanted to add: the second central issue is, how were Bezos’ private phone texts and photos stolen? If it was Pecker’s own operatives or a private contractor, then Pecker is in deep(er) trouble. But if Bezos’ suspicions are right about governmental involvement and If it can be shown that Trump’s DOJ, some other US

Exactly, completely missing the point.

Current speculation (via the BBC) is that the Saudis paid AMI due to dislike of The Post’s Khashoggi coverage, most likely with the knowledge and tacit approval of, if not outright direction of, trump.

Agreed. This should not be made light of. Especially by a news site whose parent site was basically destroyed by the publishing of non-newsworthy sexual material without the subjects permission.

Absolutely agree. Even the worst shitbag in the world does not deserve to be revenge-porned. Attack him for the public harm he causes, not what he does in his private life nor for him being blackmailed over something that involves two consenting adults. This is a bad take, Jez.

This flippant tone seems really inappropriate when covering a horrendous invasion of privacy. Revenge porn is a form of sexual assault. This is not a “dick measuring contest” between two men, it’s one man revealing threats of sexual assault made against him by another. I get that Bezos is not a pleasant person, but I