Billy Ruffian

I used to work at Sea World, and I can assure you, racing already happens. Not pictured on your maps are behind the scenes access roads that ring the park. They are meant for speedy access across the park as-is, and you would be surprised how fast a company issued golf cart can go with a few battery modifications.

This. My mother stayed home with my sisters and I, while my dad worked. Now my wife and I both work. We don’t go out, we certainly don’t take vacations. Weekends aren’t for relaxing, they for housework. Saturday is cleaning and laundry, Sunday is sleep in and prep for next week’s meals. Maybe a short day hike or trip

I’ve got just two words for you: card catalog.

My world has gone topsy turvy is exactly here thoughts, and all those others like her who are watching their economic security slip away, and being fed fear and hatred by their leaders are lashing out. I’m not absolving her, but I will argue for some small measure of compassion for these small minded, manipulated and

As a Kentuckian, both the ass-grabbing and the weird food predilections, especially regarding gravy, all jive with the local lore about the Colonel.

As a parent to three, let me warn you. Fast food is crack to children. They have no self control, and just the tiniest taste will leave them whining at every meal until you cave. You’re laughing now and think I’m crazy, but heed my warning. ( maniacal laugh)

I used to live not far from Versailles, Kentucky. That’s Vuh-sales. It wasn’t too far from Athens. Aa-thuns.

I share a 1000 sqaure foot house with my wife and three children (and just one fucking bathroom), yet we still manage the second fridge. Granted, it is only 50% beer, the other half is reserved for gallon jugs of milk because I swear we go through five of those a week) It’s wedged under the weird low-ceilinged closet

I’m a carpenter. I trained my children at a young age that whenever we’re in public they are not to let go of the hammer loops on my jeans. Now they that theythey are rambunctious 4 year olds it is totally paying off.

I started working for a local non profit doing some IT in 2003 that still had a few machines with turbo buttons. I about died.

The messing with IRQs fun was pretty well over by the mid-90s unless you were using some strange hardware. Off the shelf stuff was working pretty will by then.

DEC had tooless cages at least ten years earlier than this. I bought aDEC pc in college shortly before they were picked up by Compaq.

The best part of being relatively young and very patient. I’ll easily outlive em all.

Sear marks are more than just cosmetic, they do add flavor (maillard reaction ). Of course you can sear in flat bottomed skillet, but you are increasing the surface area that needs to be heated and that means you are more likely to have the pan lose temperature when you add the food, leading to less sear and more

Sear marks are more than just cosmetic, they do add flavor (maillard reaction ). Of course you can sear in flat

Riding his bike is a bit of a stretch. It apparently took him four hours to get from Morehead to Lexington.

I suppose that is true, but I would hope that part of that militia training might include properly handling and securing weapons. It certainly wouldn’t eliminate all of this very curious defect in our culture, but reinterpreting a comma is easier than ammending the constitution.

We don’t actually have to ban all private gunownership, we just have to bring back the well-regulated militia part.

Customers and moving around and making displays, just bring in your feet and interacting with people is fun. Being in an office on the phone is not, even if I make a bigger contribution to our overall success this way. Also, my boss is the CEO, so pretty sure. ;)

If you have a family history it can be. No argument that the employer has adequate legal cause. In my state you wouldn’t even be able to get unemployment is you were fired in this situation. But what is legal isn’t always what is ethical or compassionate.

I have about 50 employees, two young managers that mind the day to day customer stuff and two part time assistant managers that back them up. Yes, retail employees can be a pain in the ass, especially the college students. Brown Bottle flu every Saturday morning, etc. But this wouldn’t fly with me.