Billy Ruffian

Not sure without seeing the model, but chance are very good that you can just buy an external hard drive enclosure. That is basically to say the case that the hard drive sits in. Usually there's a half a dozen screws to remove and inside is just a plain as peanut butter commodity notebook hard drive. Pop the drive out

One of the very first useful life skills I learned as a theatre design major was similar: Never while working late at night on a rendering mistakenly go for your coffee mug instead grab the dirty paint water mug.

As the spouse of a proud and fierce Appalachian woman I would just like to state that America's favorite white liquor is almost certainly Moonshine, or failing that applejack (those apple trees in great-grandmas backyard weren't all for pie). None of this Yuri-come-lately vodka crap. Also, I'm pretty sure my FIL was a

I work in architectural salvage, so I spend a lot of time crawling through piles of old naily wood. My boots are steel-toed, have a steel shank and a spring steel insole. The pair weigh a little over 12 pounds. I think it is my love of big bad stomping boots that led me to this line of work. I blame you Grunge Rock.

Washing clothes with a rub board is obscenely hard work. And this is from a guy who just worked 8am - 11pm over all 7 days of his summer vacation undertaking a major gut and remodel of the house. No one in their right minds will ever do that for fun. Your hands are left bloody and raw from the soap, your arms are

The charity I work for routinely receives donations after divorces. Generally the donor is gleefully giving away their ex's prized possessions. I guess it is even more insulting than just selling them. We generally just advise he on the paperwork the IRS needs for high value donations of material goods and then get

Thanks! I'm going to keep trying to sway her towards Adeline, but seeing as she is the one carrying twins in August I'll have to demur at some point. As for parenting, maternal and paternal love are different, but complimentary. And just like any other part of a modern relationship it's healthy for both people to make

We are almost certain to name one of our daughters Coraline when she is born this fall. I'm voting Adeline for the other twin (Addy for short), but my wife is on the fence. Any other good name suggestions that go with Coraline?

Were almost certainly naming one of our daughters Coraline when she arrives this fall. I'm rooting for Adeline fore the other twin, (Addy for short) but my wife is on the fence about it. Any other good name suggestions to go with Coraline?

Please tell me where you live so I never go there. I'm in KY and managing personnel for a non-profit on my Theatre BFA. The "Go get a Master's" writing is definitely on the wall, however. Unfortunately, none of it really interests me.

I heard his interview on NPR. He's not taking himself too seriously and neither should we. I think he came up with an idea he knew was stupid, but likely to get published and is now laughing all the way to the bank along with the people who publish books based on popular blogs or LOLCats. No apocalypse here.

My wife and I are expecting twins and we are asked that question almost daily. I never once considered that there was any subtext to the question. it always seemed more along the lines of "are you having a boy or a girl" as just one of those questions people ask. Of course, I have twin sisters and she has several twin

My dog is named Roma, after the people, not the tomato. Does that exempt me from the food thing? Our chickens are named Loretta, Maybelle, Patsy and Crystal Gayle, so that's a check on the celebrity box. The previous chickens were named Dumplings, Nugget and Casserole.

If you're a grad student and cash is hard to come by, consider donating your time instead. I work for Habitat for Humanity, and while it's pretty easy to find people who want to swing a hammer on the weekends, it is really hard to find energetic and computer savvy people who can help with even simple things around the