

The worst aspect concerning Damon’s remarks was that he said, “Diversity is for the casting.” This is huge, because it shows he doesn’t know the difference between “affirmative action” and “diversity.” Diversity just means looking at people across a range, not just race. It could be age, money, anything. But what

His movies like Kill Bill suck. He doesn’t try at writing great dialogue anymore. The privilege is saying nigger every two minutes is RD at a time when no one would call him on it.

T.I. is gayer than Liberace.

T.I. is a straight-up gay man. He hates women because they get the dick he wants.

Reservoir Dogs is a movie I like more than Pulp Fiction. Show Reservoir Dogs to a black person under 25, and see your friendship. Yeah, criminals and white guys in 1992 said the n-word a lot. But Tarantino, a kid who was a dropout in the South, likes saying the n-word so much it made me uncomfortable, and I can deal

If you have a modicum of intelligence, which I suspect you do, you’d know A) Everything I deleted is true. B) Common sense should tell you that, given my diction and syntax, I’m an educated person who only deleted it because everything is relevant and accurate. Look at Turner’s numbers. Look at the article
