
Re Discovery: Maybe it’s just me, but all Star Trek shows (TOS, TNG, DS9, etc) are primarily character-driven. I can see Michael and Book being an engaging couple, but I think that for this show to succeed, it needs to dump the old crew entirely and bring in some new and highly charismatic characters. That green Orion

I like Lower Decks. It’s hit or miss, but it hits more than it misses. I loved the bit where the people on Beta III went back to worshipping Landru.

There’s Jack Box from those Jack In The Box commercials. I believe he was played by one guy for many years, but then replaced with a second guy (who has been on the job for a decade or so?)

I haven’t seen this episode, but it sounds like a somewhat lighter version of the Fred Pohl short story “The Tunnel Under The World”.

Wow, I have trouble believing all of the negative opinions. But to each their own. I’m enjoying the hell out of “Space Force”. I’m not even a big Steve Carell fan, but when he and Malkovich are mixing it up, it’s like some indescribable streaming science fiction candy. It’s a bit like “what if Avenue 5 had characters

Did Lily take Kenton’s gun with her to DEVS?

I was delighted to find Tales From The Loop available on April 2nd! Thank you, Amazon Prime Video!

As much as I love this show, and I thought this was a singularly strong episode, and this isn’t meant as yet another criticism of Ms. Mizuno’s acting: when it comes to Lily, the show is guilty of “talking not showing”. When Katie and Forest are talking in bed, Katie goes on at length about how Lily is so strong, yadda

I wish Lily had said “radioactive decay” when Katie asked her for something random.

Damn! That is one freakin’ dangerous intersection!!! A minor point, I guess, but it looked to me as if Forest’s wife rolled through a stop sign while the other driver totally ignored their stop sign and just plowed full-on through the intersection. Note that it says “ALL WAY” below the stop sign. I’m not sure what to

I cried when Stewart told Lyndon to “go”.


I’m still on S01E01. I think Utopia Falls will - not unlike Glee or Nashville - live or die based on quality of its musical numbers.