I used to get a knot my my stomach when I’d start up Dead Space but I couldn’t stop myself from playing. I think it’s scarier than 2, but then 2 has BABY NECROMORPHS.
I used to get a knot my my stomach when I’d start up Dead Space but I couldn’t stop myself from playing. I think it’s scarier than 2, but then 2 has BABY NECROMORPHS.
But they are perfect for litterbox cakes.
You’re just saying he could do better?
This whole article made me miss O’Neal again.
I visited Africa earlier this year and three different people brought up the “shithole” comment in just a couple of days. It was definitely heard and remembered.
Those boxes remind me of grocery shopping while high in college.
Your name checks out.
I miss Hipster Runoff.
It’s comments all the way down.
Adventure Time.
You need to respect the baby because life is precious, and God, and the Bible.
The only thing I liked about Crystal Skull was Cate Blanchett, who nailed the heightened tone. I’m not sure why she gets so much flak for that. And the script/Beouf-iness was dumb, but the green screen work was like Nintendo 64 bad.
Commence the jigglin’!
Well, they are brother and sister and it’s Game of Thrones so...
I’m confused because I thought the conceit of Desmond’s story was that the Greek gods were actually aliens who made/kept humans as slaves and controlled them with apples or whatever. So now we’re in Greece and I want to see giant aliens in togas.
This sounds like the perfect nail salon movie channel - just tepid rom-coms where someone wearing khakis jumps (or falls) into a pool.
My single, “My Single is Dropping,” is dropping.