Billy Madison

1) Into the Groove (and the Ciccone Youth Version)

I have Google Fiber (which I love), so they are in the ISP game, but they curtailed their plans to expand. Specifically because it was prohibitively expensive to install the infrastructure. They even stopped offering their 5mb/s “free tier” for new installs. Plus, even through they’ve promised not to discriminate, now

Shout out to Adventure Time with the fantastic Islands miniseries, followed by the unsettling Elements.

[golf clap]

“I’m Roxxy Andrews and I’m here to make it clear...”

That’s the true true.

And he is spectacular.

Uhhh, does the Redbox market segment have internet access? Also, why not just buy Vudu?

Whereas that was my childhood.

So what you’re saying is that Taylor drew the dicks on the cars!

To me, that’s the most interesting tension in the story. These families acquire power by force, but to consolidate that power they need stability and alliances. (I love those scenes of different lords hearing complaints from commoners)

Username-comment synergy: 9.1

Baby Driver 2: Blowout

Now I want to know what Bonney thinks of (Badger alumuns!) Errol Morris.

Nothing really matters to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

You can’t champion honesty if you lie to yourself.