Billy Madison

Literal? Are they going to have the caves full of rotting skulls and mutilated soldiers’ bodies?

Sigourney Weaver was fantastic with what they gave her in The Defenders.

I think my Gameological pin just sighed.

But we’re supposed to feel sorry for them because something something Black Mirror.


Let the right one in.

He speculates that the Others may have built the Wall becaise they make things with ice. Airtight fanwanking there.

I never saw anyone wear Clinton merch after 92, ironically or otherwise. Certainly there was no cache attached to Clinton by 96. If anything the zeitgeist was apathy. But it was Madison, WI.

I preferred Discovery to Ra Ra Riot and had “Gravity Don’t Pull Me” on repeat for a while so I will definitely check this out.

It’s amazing to me that some random kid with a weak chin takes himself so seriously he makes videos of himself solemnly pontificating over plastic patio furniture. Shine on, Luis.

So hip the Simpsons mocked the two parties as indistinguishable aliens 8 years before South Park came up with Turd Sandwich but ok.

I read interviews with songwriters who adore ABBA and one mentioned that ABBA would write a song and try it in five different genres to see which one worked the best, which is a massive amount of work when you think about it.

My body is ready for that big beautiful Italian boy.

Spending some time with 4:44. The vocals are mixed way too high and it’s not nearly as unguarded as reviews suggested, but the beats are solid and he really plays with his inflection. Also I’m kind of obsessed with the musical outro of “Family Feud”.

Jokes, it’s us, come on, be real


I always imagined that you had the hairstyle of your avatar: business in the front, party in the back.

Since new iPhones have been largely indistinguishable for the last couple of generations they’ve stopped becoming conspicuous as a status symbol. They tried it with the iWatch and nobody cared. I thought it was pretty clever to make a visibly distinguishable high-end version of their core product to capture that