Billyjo Jimbob

masturbation fodder? its not the 70s anymore, any teen boy can see real porn in 30 seconds on their phones , computers and even xboxes. no more sears catalogue bra section required….

What some of you seem to be missing is that of course we all know that rape and not following a womans wish is very wrong, but this is in a fantasy world, where women are raped often and most women have no say in anything.
Cerseis sex life with her ex the king would be considered rape in the real world if i recall.

What alot of you seem to be missing is that of course we all know that rape and not following a womans wish is very wrong, but this is in a fantasy world, where women are raped often and most women have no say in anything.Cerseis sex life with her ex the king would be considered rape in the real world if i recall.