
A friend of mine is an ultra runner. His first race was a 40 mile marathon - on a 400m track...

Lots of buttons. That's not a model in the picture, just more buttons.

30,000+? that seems like an awful lot of buttons

Even thinking about watching this for some of those 80 hours is giving me stomach cramps. Actually doing it? No fricken' way. All the power to him. I couldn't do that.

Oh yeah same here. Unless it's some new game that has AAAAAALOOOOOOOOOOT of content. Maybe World of Warcraft? I don't know, comes closest to my mind. The games people claim that have 80 hour of gametime, usualy has like 40.

It took me 80 hours just to learn how to control the arcade version of Defender. I know it looks like there are only seven buttons in the picture but in reality a legit Defender arcade machine has well over thirty thousand buttons.

I appreciate this is for charity so good luck to him but bloody hell I would get so bored of playing the same game for 80 hours non-stop.

It's difficult to get complete sentences with great grammar across in 140 characters, but it's fun to try! Hopefully, I'm succeeding. I do, however, know how to speak "leet," if circumstance requires.

Sounds to me like Mr. Cain is better at being Christ-like than most of the Christians in Texas. Good man.

But, what about all those trend pieces that say young people don't care about reproductive rights and/or feminism? Have the NYT, WaPo, etc. been lying to me?!

Right up there with "I'm Totally Psyched About this Abortion!!"

This man is a role model for everyone, but especially men with daughters. It's very admirable of him to take time out of his day and respond to everyone. Like others have said before me, his calmness is making those who disagree with him even madder. This man is truly living like the ideas that Jesus speaks of.

Oh I wouldn't take the dad to be a naturally calm guy who's just gonna take it sitting down. I think he's trying to make a point. The calmer he is, the more it seems like people are getting their knickers in a bunch and end up completely contradicting their so-called pro-life morals. I guarantee you he's having a

Hmmm. Didn't go that far back in the conversation. I need another drink.

So far my favorite has been Mr. Cain's deeply euphemistic acknowledgement that "the discourse here has been less than civil."

That guy uses his real name, too. Here's hoping he has a job interview coming up and they google the applicants.

He's obviously doing the zen thing on purpose, and it's working like a charm. Scroll down the whole thing, I lost count of the number of times he gets anti-abortioners to completely contradict themselves. Comments along the lines of "with a daughter like that, too bad you didn't use birth control/had an abortion when

One guy asked him why DCFS isn't investigating him, and he responded with, "I suppose because they are investigating real child abuse," which is both hilarious and admirable. Dude has the patience of a saint and is coming off as much more Christ-like than these people who are apparently so offended by the use of

Hey man, they've got class!

Bible class.