He gave his reasons. We should septum and move on.
He gave his reasons. We should septum and move on.
If you’re honestly associating anything the guys on Pardon My Take do with anything else that happens at Barstool, you’re clearly ignorant to the subject.
Wait, Democrats were banking on Libertarians to vote for them? Holy shit, a strategy dumber than the one they actually used!
Given the stories about the Seahawks Defense and Offensive players not liking each other, this is a smart move, considering how much Pete Carroll believe structures are brought down by inside jobs.
“being a member of a terrorist organization”...
Why? They had the presidential race closer than most and got roasted for it, because you people are fucking stupid.
Apply with both hands, but in a really weird way that creates almost no rotation.
Interesting to see a Kobe Bryant quote in this story.
I would disagree with James assessment. Gilbert has given up so much to keep the team payroll so high. I mean he’s already sans comic.