You’re one of those, “they all suck,” folks (except Jill or whichever third party hack you’re backing). Wake up from the pile of shit the GOP has been slinging for thirty years.
You’re one of those, “they all suck,” folks (except Jill or whichever third party hack you’re backing). Wake up from the pile of shit the GOP has been slinging for thirty years.
Yes, so, so unfair to Donald!
According to some witnesses, the issue wasn’t that people were only supporting Trump, the issue was that the left-leaners were obeying the “no applause” rule.
Aw buddy, think you missed your off-ramp to breitbart. They’ll totally agree with you over there.
you do realize that hes said equally abhorrent things every week for the past 5 years, yes? That required no media manipulation from anyone. And that NBC was sitting on that footage until a Post reporter demanded access? If you think this was the media holding an October surprise you really need to study how much…
It’s actually more like 35 years since Reagan was elected.
Their problem is they nominated somebody who represents exactly what they, as a party, believe. Trump just says it out loud and we can’t have that.
Au contraire. Trump is the epitome of the Republicans’ thirty-year strategy of pandering to the working class, dumbing down politics and feeding populism. They built this, and now they can own it.
Don’t bring a republican to a party of any kind
Don’t bring thoughts to a thoughtless party; it’s a waste of time and energy.
I’m going to give the Republicans a little advice here.
“Coughing Prevention Machine” gets me every time.
Not really. A lot of younger folks who grew up in SF have relocated outside around the Bay. There’s more space and less expensive housing, but the commutes are probably some of the worst in the nation. There are rapid transit and business shuttles to alleviate the congestion, but it’s just not enough for the masses…
I’m dying. “was interrupted by a young man who urged viewers to take out and display their genitals for Harambe”.
The reporter is probably just copping an attitude because it is difficult to hold 1.) her hat on, 2.) the microphone, and 3.) that guy’s beer.
Forget it, Jake
Wtf did i just read?
A little thing called a "trademark". If it looks like Ferrari Logo/lettering and can be confused as such.. its called "infringement". So sorry Deadmau5, rules and laws do apply to everyone.