William T. Goat Esq.

more like Poop Farts, amirite?

Shame on USA Today for trying to stoke fear and anger against human-animal hybrids!

Now playing

I would recommend four of the five(!) Dragonheart movies. They all take place in different generations, have a nice variety of stories, different dragon characters (I think 3 and 4 are the same dragon, but elderly in 4), different twists to the rules of magic. Surprised they haven’t just done a TV series already.

More organs means more human!

“...but a lot of the time, the viewer will just find themselves staring at a screen that’s mostly rocks.”

He’s a regular John Doe!

Now playing

I am disappointed that the video did not include the Breakfast Machine music from Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.

RIP Ass Dan

I really wish that mainstream non-comedy news would do the contradictory soundbite thing.

To be fair, Avatar did usher in a new era of 3D movies. I recall that at the time, it inspired a sort of panicked rush to convert 2D movies to 3D in post-production.

when you someone eat it


I dunno, I think AT&T’s streaming video has greatly improved since the 1960s

He’s auditioning for a part in the band from the movie “From Dusk Till Dawn”.

Now playing

R.I.P. Larry King. He may be gone, but... He’s still in the vents.

So... is The Daily Show back from holiday break yet? The most recent episode on the website is from December 16.

Was Martin Short not available?