William T. Goat Esq.

Trumpy's staring at the sun
Trumpy's day passed out of sight
Trumpy will be suffering tonight

The Beach Boys were brilliant outside of Pet Sounds. Inside of Pet Sounds, it's too dark to read!

Pumpkinhead 2009? That can't be right. Did they remake it? I know there were sequels, but they stopped before 2009.

I recently fell down a Google wormhole, reading up on a century-old magic routine that apparently only two or three people ever knew how to perform, and was only shown on rare occasions, to audiences consisting mostly of other magicians. The point was to challenge people to figure out how it was done.

I sometimes watch magic-related videos on YouTube, and I've noticed two odd trends:

Have you seen the clip of Penn & Teller teaching Christopher Reeve a magic trick?

I fully expected to see Chuck Lorre mentioned in the article, then I remembered he wrote the TMNT song.

So, like MTV's "The Head"?



Upvoted for Touch

This is a LOCAL milk shop, for LOCAL milk people. There's nothing for you here…

It's shaking my confidence, about a great many things.

There was a digital channel called TheCoolTV in my area, until the local affiliate decided to drop it a few years ago. I did watch it.

Eh, it looks fun to me. I like any show in which various species(literally) of people are living together in relative harmony. This kind of reminds me of The Gates.

It's not a lie, if you believe it.


That's the type of word an elite would use…

Where's You Wish?

Otherworld! The Phoenix! Mr. Merlin!