William T. Goat Esq.

Huh. I recently stumbled on the "Frozen Elsa" videos myself, but I haven't seen any "sexualized" ones. They just leave me scratching my head; do people make money from this? Using copyrighted characters? There's a new one almost every day, uploaded to multiple channels. They just seem like goofy, dialogue-free kids'

Okay, who else immediately went to listen for the "Oh fuck" before listening to anything else?

I think I wanna know ya/
Jungle Love

"Tribune Media?" I believe you mean TRONC.

"unless there is indisputable public evidence Trump directly committed a crime."

"But tonight I say we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!" — Kang, political speech, 1996

he got his behind lookin' damn good, tho

Oh, is this still on?

So, mass shootings are just the price we have to pay for freedom?

Therer is a Tumblr collecting these commercials. As you can guess by the title, it was inspired by the Kool-Aid ads, but it has expanded to include all kinds of surreal nonsense:

I suppose what is reasonable to some will always seem unreasonable to others.

Technically, all the characters are shirtless.


So, somebody discovered the Animal Man/Wile E. Coyote crossover from 1988, and wanted more?

But how does Kevin Bacon fit into all this?

…as his head rolls down a hill.

You want it all, but you can't have it, because the bear ate it.

Gut feelings are bad at detecting bullshit. More often than not, gut feelings embrace bullshit. So, yes, democracy is doomed.

I'm guessing that noted commenter @Manimal would have a few kind words for 80's TV as well…