William T. Goat Esq.

But there is brief nudity in The Dark Crystal! We first see Jen naked in the woods, playing his flute! And by "flute", I mean…flute.

Sorry I get so wordy. I never get a chance to have a constructive conversation about Christian beliefs. I fail to see how anyone who believes the evil things the Church teaches can still be a good person. I wish someone would explain it to me, so I won't have to hate Christians so much.

To be fair, it's not so much that my Catholic school was full of fear mongers. It's that Catholic dogma is an inherently fearful dogma. And I discovered that fear before I was old enough to handle it.

Eh, no, Peg.

You sound just like my Catholic school teachers. Kids are trying to form a coherent Catholic worldview, on pain of eternal damnation. The stakes are too high to get it wrong. The details matter. It's not about "proving intellectual superiority." It's not about laughing at anyone. We're terrified of Hell. You don't

I was raised Catholic. I was taught that if I didn't practice God's religion properly, I would burn in Hell forever. That was the cornerstone of my religious worldview. So in Catholic school, whenever I was taught contradictory lessons, I got scared, and asked my teachers questions. More often than not, they got mad

Was I the only one expecting a twist that Dr. Garrity was a patient, not a doctor?

Could you look me in the eye, and tell me that you're happy now?

I'd refuse to repay my student loans!

Wait, has there ever been a Gilgamesh movie? I'd watch it.

There's a lot of bald people in the GOP, so it's probably covered.

"Ball (y)ou"

That's… not from the show is it? Seems a bit too deep for kids.

"a listening device or other surveillance equipment hidden in cameras"
Seems redundant. "Yo dawg, I herd u like cameras…"

I think there's only two ways to go with an imaginary friend story. Either:

How do you teach Christianity without the threat of Hell? The one is meaningless without the other. The whole premise of Christianity is that God considers (and created) every person to be a disgusting piece of shit, deserving to die and suffer in Hell. Jesus died to pay that price for us. If God isn't an evil

Well, if you tell children that their only two options are 1) be a Christian or 2) BURN IN HELL FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER BECAUSE GOD WILL HATE YOU, then yeah, of course they'd beg for a Christian education. That's how I got suckered in too.

Well, Crane paid a price for their latest victory, which presumably would drive the arc of the next season. I imagine they would have tried to resurrect Daniel Webster, which I would have loved to see.

No, it did not.